Pokhara to Chitwan by car

The road journey from Pokhara to Chitwan by car is approximately 155 kilometers (96 miles) and usually takes around 4 to 6 hours, depending on the road conditions and traffic. The route typically involves driving through scenic landscapes and may vary based on the specific starting and ending points within Pokhara and Chitwan.

Here is a general route you can follow:

Pokhara to Mugling: Start by heading east on the Prithvi Highway (also known as the Tribhuvan Highway) from Pokhara towards Mugling. This part of the journey offers beautiful views of the hills and the Trishuli River.

Mugling to Narayangarh: At Mugling, you will need to take a left turn to continue on the Prithvi Highway towards Narayangarh. Narayangarh is the gateway to Chitwan, and from here, you can connect to various roads leading to different parts of the Chitwan district.

Narayangarh to Chitwan: Depending on your specific destination within Chitwan (e.g., Sauraha, the main tourist area), you may need to take additional roads from Narayangarh. Follow the signboards or ask locals for directions to your specific location in Chitwan.

Please note that road conditions in Nepal can vary, and it's advisable to check the current state of the roads and weather conditions before your journey. Additionally, travel times can be influenced by factors such as the type of vehicle, traffic conditions, and any road maintenance activities.

Always carry necessary documents, drive safely, and consider the local driving regulations. If possible, plan your journey during daylight hours for better visibility and safety.